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Do you have concerns for your child that you would like to address through private, individual therapy sessions? 

Whilst sessions are focused on providing education and skills for the child or young person, we are committed to working closely with families to ensure the best outcomes for our clients.

assessment and therapy Services


We are also able to assist with assessment and reporting, provide diagnostic clarification regarding cognitive, developmental and/or behavioural issues, and assist with management strategies, intervention planning and applications for funding support. 


NDIS funding (self or plan managed clients) and Medicare rebates (Mental Health Care Plan / Enhanced Primary Care Plan) is available for eligible recipients. 


If you would like further information, please complete our enquiry form here

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*Current as of

4 March 2024

These charges are in line with NDIS hourly rates for service provision by an Allied Health Professional as of July 2023 which are $214.41 for Psychology services and $193.99 for other Allied Health therapies.


per hour session


These charges are in line with NDIS hourly rates for service provision by an Allied Health Professional as of July 2023 which are $214.41 for Psychology service and $193.99 for other Allied Health therapies.

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